Momler Moments (What if Moms Behaved Like Toddlers?)

Huge thanks to my bestie, Katie Sorensen, for taking the photos for this blog post! You can find her on insta under the handle @motherhoodessentials. And, thank you to the gals from my mama tribe who volunteered to be Mom-ler’s with me!

Momler Moments

If you’re a parent, chances are you’ve lived through the grocery store tantrum, or the complete and total chaos that is known as a ‘playdate’, or the peanut gallery during your bathroom break. And if you haven’t yet, I can pretty much guarantee they are in your near future – sometimes in sequence, on the very same day. Well, I decided it was Mom’s turn. So I gathered a few friends and we captured some epic Mom-ler moments on camera.

The Playdate

These are usually a blessing and a curse. If you’re like me, you seek out the playdate to get your kids some quality friend-time, tire them out, and (let’s be honest) to get a five-minute break for yourself. But, that “break” typically ends before I’ve even finished my first sentence of a conversation with another Mom. A tantrum on the play structure, fights over snacks, the constant battle over the “S” word (ahem, sharing). Like I said, a blessing and a curse.

The Dreaded Grocery Run

I am rapidly approaching the point of becoming a solely-online grocery shopper. Maneuvering a massive car-shaped shopping cart through the local Safeway is one of the most challenging tasks in my week. One kid pulls all the magazines off the rack, and the other demands to walk around with a half-eaten doughnut in hand. I’m also that customer with dozens of open packages being unloaded from their cart. Why? Because the threenager must sample every item that goes into it. And to top it off, the stores have cleverly placed rows of candy and Hot Wheels at the checkout stand. Because parents of young children totally need more grey-hair-inducing moments in their day.

Daily Life

Our kids make us laugh, cry, and everything in between about a million times each day. They shout to get us out of the way of the TV as we deliver the third Nutella waffle (because the first two didn’t meet their high standards). We see their imagination soar as they play with their favorite toys. Then five minutes later, they’re sitting next to us while we pee (R.I.P uninterrupted toilet breaks). They refuse to nap, but we find them face down on their bedroom floor just as we start cooking dinner. One of the greatest lessons I’ve learned on this parenting journey – a sense of humor is required.

Perhaps we should start a #momler photo challenge! What would you re-enact for your Mom-ler moment?