You can feel it in the air. And you can see it on the shelves of every store you enter. Summer break is coming to a close.
Read MoreThe Christmas trees, the lights, the music, the smells… This is truly a magical season. And the traditions we share with family and friends are part of what makes it so special.
Read MoreThank you to all of the amazing dads out there. You set the greatest examples for our little ones. Through your love and actions, they learn what it takes to be a gentleman, and to appreciate the meaning of family.
Read MoreIt’s quiet. There are no sounds of bedtime preparations. There are no sleepy negotiations to skip teeth brushing, or to start in our bed. There are only dark rooms and empty beds.
Read MoreAs we continue to grow our home library, I’m on the hunt for books that help our littles understand big topics. Things like diversity, bullying, death, emotions, etc. Parents need all the tools we can get our hands on to help explain these big ideas.
Read MoreWe all need help, and acknowledging that doesn’t make us weak or less capable. It makes us human.
Read MoreParenting after the first kid is a whole different ball game. Things that stressed you out the first time around, don’t even faze you now.
Read MoreMaybe it’s getting older myself, or watching my children grow, but I’ve been contemplating the topic of self-identity a lot lately.
Read MoreWithout our little butterfly life wouldn’t be the same. She has shaped our lives for the better, and I tell her everyday just how much we love her.
Read MoreSince becoming a father, it has made me realize that there are multiple levels of love. When I married the woman of my dreams, I was, and still am, so deep in love. And then I look at my boys and it’s more of a primal love.
Read MoreI realized what happiness, pride, accomplishment, sadness and hardship really are. Fatherhood made me a better man.
Read MoreMotherhood made me realize: you don’t have control of WHAT life throws at you, but you do have control of HOW you take it.
Read MoreI can honestly say Motherhood is the best thing that has ever happened to me, but it is quite a roller coaster of emotions!
Read MoreSo many of the blessings in my life are tied to motherhood. My sense of self and purpose are stronger than ever, because I’m a mom. Motherhood made me.
Read MoreI realized I had been willing to set aside my feelings, my concerns for my child’s safety, and what I truly felt was right; all to accommodate the wishes of my 4 year old and another grown up.
Read MoreThere are many ways to make the date night in fun and memorable. The important thing is to make time for one another. Set aside a couple nights each month (or more if you’re able to), and commit to being present with your partner.
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